How To Pindu

Making your dreams come true on Pinduin is as easy as 1-2-3!

Sometimes life can seem overwhelming and like it is out of control.  We have so many things to do and so many things we want to do.  Somehow we manage it all, but sometimes it just feels like all those things to do on all those lists of things you wanted to do either completely take over your life or they just lay around being lists of things you wanted to do.

Take back control of your to do lists with Pinduin in 3 easy steps:

  1. Add a Board.
  2. Add a ToDo to the Board.
  3. Start ‘duin your ToDo’s!

In Pinduin you can add a goal, a lifelong dream, or your next big adventure by adding a board. We call this board a public waddle. All Pinduers can see this board and join your waddle by adding ToDo’s on the board.  If you are not ready to start with a public waddle then start with your own private ToDo’s board and if you want your own private groups then earn enough “PQ” points to start creating your own “private waddles”.

Next add your ToDo’s.  Your ToDo is something that will help you achieve your dream. It may be something you will do yourself or that you need help with. After you have created a ToDo then all Pinduers can comment on your ToDo’s to try to help or encourage you and they can clone your ToDo to start duin the task for themselves.  Keep in mind that sometimes other Pinduers have added or cloned ToDo’s that they do not get done. In that case you may need to give them a friendly nudge in the form of a comment. As the owner of the board, you are always able to move and delete any and all ToDo’s on your boards.

Finally, start doing!  As you start getting stuff done then move your ToDo’s across your board.  You don’t ever have to be 100% done with your board, but the more things you get done then the closer you will get to making your dreams come true.

Show some Luv with our “LuvIt!” button and remember to join a board by adding and cloning ToDo’s.  Remember to move them to “Done” to get stuff done on other Pinduer’s boards too!

Get signed up now and then check us out.  Start by discovering one of Peggy Pinduin’s waddles or by giving us some on the Feedback waddle. Find out more here about giving us Feedback.

And remember to have fun Pinduin your dreams!