Coach's Corner General

Coach’s Corner ep2: Generation You are what you…

We all know the old saying about “You are what you eat” and all the variations such as “…what you read”, “..what you listen to”, “…what you do”, and even “You are who you hang out with”.  All these sayings are referring to one common thing which is that you, Generation You, “are” what you to a greater extent “associate” with!

I think that is one of the biggest reasons why I like coaching so much.  The energy and positivity around the team is so important for every team and I really like hanging out and being around the people on the teams I am a part of.  I like coaching for other reasons too like seeing the kids accomplish small successes and the thrill of a close game, but the being around all that positive energy and contributing to building it up, that for me is the greatest reward of coaching.

We have the same idea at Pinduin.  Like the penguins live in their waddles.  We believe in surrounding ourselves with positive people that want to get stuff done.

Each of us can’t control everything that is available to us, but each of us can control the choices to make things available to ourselves.  Let me say that once again for impact.  You can’t control everything, but  you can control every one of your own choices.

Choose “more positive”.

Read this article to learn about ways to get some “more positive” into your life.
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