Not that long ago I’ve recorded a story with my daughter about dragons, unicorns and warriors. We’ve played that game before, but it was for the first time when we did voice recording. I’ve run it afterwards and discovered that my 8-year old possesses much better communication skills then I do (ok, she sometimes talks too much, but thanks to that her speech is fluent and clear). A little bit concerned about how the world actually sees (hears) me I started to listen to myself and check reactions while talking to other human-beings (go ahead and try it too with your close relatives or friends). My concerns have been confirmed: I don’t speak fluent and clear enough to get people’s proper attention for longer than 30 seconds!
I started to look for some exercises online, worked on belly breathing to strengthen my voice, etc.
Surprisingly just a few days later I started to enjoy chit-chatting with other people at work, in the neighbourhood or at my local shop. Before it was only about getting directly to the point and then leave.
Amazing, how much you can find out in just 2 minutes of a conversation and how differently people will look at you next time they see you (in a positive way).
Unfortunately I need to remind myself about it almost everyday and have the courage to take the first step to start chatting (no, it’s not natural to me and I don’t know if it ever will be – but it also looks like it’s not natural for most other people either).
Seems like people don’t read our minds and don’t know what we mean exactly and what we’re expecting them to do. They need to hear it!
Talking to others, sharing and describing thoughts in details (not too much, but also not too little) expand our minds, take us to another level and allow us to make the next steps smarter!
In order to get things done and reach our goals, we NEED to communicate with other people! There’s no other way!
That’s what are we doing here…
Pinduin is about creating a community focused on positivity and creativity that is focused on
sharing and helping each other to attain their goals and make their dreams come true.
So, no more lazy excuses! It’s time for action!
Join Pinduin. Create a board. Join a waddle (a community), where you can share your goals or help others to reach theirs!
No one will be left out alone here! We support each other and get things done!
“You play to win the game!”
Talk to you soon! 🙂