Contests General

This is a Call to Action!

Do you know what Pinduin is?

If you do, join now and tell us what you think about us.

If you do not, get some inspiration, meet some of our Pindu’ers and tell us what would help you to understand what Pinduin is.

What can Team Pinduin do to help you get more stuff done with Pinduin?

Comment below or in our Feedback section and let us know.

Join now as an “Early Bird” and let’s start getting it done together.

General Motivational

How Not to be Vulnerable

I write and maybe some things are brilliant and maybe some things are not so much.  I write and maybe some people get me and maybe sometimes I don’t even get me.  I write and maybe some things move you or makes you think. Maybe some things I write are stupid for the sake of being stupid, maybe some things are stupid because I am stupid (hopefully not so much of the latter, but I am only human).  Maybe some times I will make a mistake and maybe some times I will be flawless.

You want to know how NOT to be vulnerable?  Show that you are not afraid to be vulnerable! Your vulnerability is only as vulnerable as you allow it to be (unless you are Superman and have a certain thing about Kryptonite).

Show you are not afraid to make mistakes.  Show you are not afraid to be flawed.  Show you are not afraid by being honest, opening up to people, and being willing to give and receive help from people.  There is strength in numbers, but you must be trusted and be strong enough to let the numbers help you.

Nobody is perfect.  We all make mistakes.  Get over it! Learn from it! And keep on trying!

Join your friends as an Early Bird on Pinduin and be part of the waddle that is open to giving and receiving help and getting more stuff done together.


Coach’s Corner ep. 4: A Look Back at the Season.

Great teamwork is the only way to reach our ultimate moments, and create breakthroughs that define our careers and fulfill our lives. — Pat Riley

So we have reached the end of another regular season (at least for one out of the 4 teams I am coaching) and I have some time to take a look back at the season, look at film, and think about playoffs (Yes! We made our goal of making the playoffs in our first season!).

The U19 team is another one of those groups of guys that have known each other for a while and generally get along really well. I have had the pleasure of watching these guys grow for a season and some of them for 2 and I also have grown with them over this time.

We lost players, got new players, said Hello to returning players, and faced times of challenge with injuries and sicknesses. We were a team of highs and lows, of great highs and of great lows, and we were the ultimate roller coaster ride at times.  A season full of unexpected events, unexpected technical fouls, expected and unexpected losses, and expected and unexpected wins.  It was a real learning season for me and the guys and we know there is still a lot more work to be done.

The past couple months the team has been made more accountable for all the hard work we are demanding from each other and it is a proud moment for me every time to see the guys come together to get stuff done.  We  improved in 3 areas:  shooting, rebounding, and turnovers!  Everyone is doing the work individually and helping each other to get the work done.

Truly a great team effort!  I feel really good about the improvements we have made, but I feel even more proud about the resiliency and spirit that the team has built.  It really goes to show how much we are able to achieve together.  The journey has been hard, fun, and well worth the while and I am sooo looking forward to continuing it.

Briks Basketball:  All Day… Errry Day!!!


Communication is the key!

Not that long ago I’ve recorded a story with my daughter about dragons, unicorns and warriors. We’ve played that game before, but it was for the first time when we did voice recording. I’ve run it afterwards and discovered that my 8-year old possesses much better communication skills then I do (ok, she sometimes talks too much, but thanks to that her speech is fluent and clear).  A little bit concerned about how the world actually sees (hears) me I started to listen to myself and check reactions while talking to other human-beings (go ahead and try it too with your close relatives or friends). My concerns have been confirmed:  I don’t speak fluent and clear enough to get people’s proper attention for longer than 30 seconds!

I started to look for some exercises online, worked on belly breathing to strengthen my voice, etc.

Surprisingly just a few days later I started to enjoy chit-chatting with other people at work, in the neighbourhood or at my local shop. Before it was only about getting directly to the point and then leave.

Amazing, how much you can find out in just 2 minutes of a conversation and how differently people will look at you next time they see you (in a positive way).

Unfortunately I need to remind myself about it almost everyday and have the courage to take the first step to start chatting (no, it’s not natural to me and I don’t know if it ever will be – but it also looks like it’s not natural for most other people either).

Seems like people don’t read our minds and don’t know what we mean exactly and what we’re expecting them to do. They need to hear it!

Talking to others, sharing and describing thoughts in details (not too much, but also not too little) expand our minds, take us to another level and allow us to make the next steps smarter!

In order to get things done and reach our goals, we NEED to communicate with other people! There’s no other way!

That’s what are we doing here

Pinduin is about creating a community focused on positivity and creativity that is focused on

sharing and helping each other to attain their goals and make their dreams come true.


So, no more lazy excuses! It’s time for action!

Join Pinduin. Create a board. Join a waddle (a community), where you can share your goals or help others to reach theirs!

No one will be left out alone here!  We support each other and get things done!

“You play to win the game!”

Talk to you soon! 🙂



Meet Buddy image

Coach's Corner General

Coach’s Corner ep2: Generation You are what you…

We all know the old saying about “You are what you eat” and all the variations such as “…what you read”, “..what you listen to”, “…what you do”, and even “You are who you hang out with”.  All these sayings are referring to one common thing which is that you, Generation You, “are” what you to a greater extent “associate” with!

I think that is one of the biggest reasons why I like coaching so much.  The energy and positivity around the team is so important for every team and I really like hanging out and being around the people on the teams I am a part of.  I like coaching for other reasons too like seeing the kids accomplish small successes and the thrill of a close game, but the being around all that positive energy and contributing to building it up, that for me is the greatest reward of coaching.

We have the same idea at Pinduin.  Like the penguins live in their waddles.  We believe in surrounding ourselves with positive people that want to get stuff done.

Each of us can’t control everything that is available to us, but each of us can control the choices to make things available to ourselves.  Let me say that once again for impact.  You can’t control everything, but  you can control every one of your own choices.

Choose “more positive”.

Read this article to learn about ways to get some “more positive” into your life.
Article link redirects to


Meet Buddy

So on Friday the 13th of March our first contest ended and it was determined that Peggy’s new buddy was found and we would like to introduce him here.

Read more at Meet Buddy.

Meet Buddy image

General Motivational What do you think?

The Humpday Hollaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! #2

Time for the Hollaaahhh #2.

On this episode although there are sooooo many things going on there is only one thing that I am gonna hollah!  Our Peggy wants to find a new Buddy contest has been expanded, cloned, continued into a contest to find up to 3 new designs for Peggy’s new Buddies – “The Buddy Series”.  Make sure to get in and vote or submit your own design.

And okay, only one hollah is not completely true because here is a little shout out here – we want to talk to you about Pinduin and making it great so we are going to be sending surveys out to the friends and family that our Pinduin community tells us about so please spread the word.   We are so thankful for the great feedback we have gotten already, but we need more and we need more than just talk now.  We are going to start more registration activities soon.  We are already beginning to play with some ideas with our pre-launch users and will continue to open up more and more of the Pinduin community as soon as we figure out what is the content and stuff that you mostly want to hear about and get done.

Pinduin and Pinduers want to get stuff done and help you get stuff done so we don’t mind putting first things first.

And now your:

Moment of Zen thought coming from this guy :   Marvin Gaye

 “Listen, baby
Ain’t no mountain high
Ain’t no valley low
Ain’t no river wide enough, baby
If you need me, call me
No matter where you are
No matter how far
Just call my name
I’ll be there in a hurry
You don’t have to worry
‘Cause baby,
There ain’t no mountain high enough
Ain’t no valley low enough
Ain’t no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you…”

In order to get to the important things in our life we have to have an attitude and mindset that nothing can stop us.

Enjoy your moment while you reflect about the things that are important to you and how much it would take to “keep me from getting to you”?

And as always…Hollah atcha peoples and help them along their journey too!

General Motivational What do you think?

The Humpday Hollaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! #1

So, I guess you are sitting there and thinking what is up with this guy!  The Humpday Hollah!  Really?!?!

Well, as a matter of fact, yes, really!  The Hollah is your “halfway there” pick me up.  It is the halfway mark of the week , but it could also be the halfway mark of the month or of your next big dream.  No matter what, we like to celebrate along the way and the “Hollah” is just a little celebration halfway along the way!

This is our first Hollah and we are celebrating the great feedback that we have received from our early talks with you our Pinduin community.  I am excited to see how Pinduin shapes and grows, but I know we got a long road ahead of us.  We will be launching more contests and surveys to help us find out the stuff you want to hear about, so stay tuned and help us to be better, faster.

For now though I leave you with our first:

Moment of Zen thought coming from this guy :   Lao Tzu

 If we do not change the direction which we are going then we may end up where we are headed.

and this gem:

 Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. –

Enjoy your moment while you reflect about the direction your headed and whether you are taking the steps to make that journey shorter.

And as always…Hollah atcha peoples and help them along their journey too!

General Motivational

How Not to Get Sidetracked

Getting sidetracked is easy and all you have to do in order to get stuff done is…wait…wait for it…


Free for life for the first 50!!!

That’s right I said it. Free for the first 50!

Join Pinduin now as one of the first 50 and get Pinduin free for life!

I announced the coming of the launch earlier and now it is really close, but really now, the launch of Pinduin is right around the corner. With that in mind I wanted to take a moment to say something that should not have to be said, but is always needed to be said.